On Personal Closure

Closure is essential for you to move on. Yet, sometimes you need to give it to yourself and not wait for the other person to give it to you…

Closure is important for most people if not all. Ghosts get stuck on earth because they still have unfinished business, hence, they can’t move on.

Closure is essential for your psyche to shut that door and move forward. However, most ‘relationship closure’ comes in the form of having a talk where both parties are involved, and unanswered questions get answered.

But, what do you do when that’s not possible or when the other person is not willing to give you your closure? You take matters into your own hands and answer the questions for yourself, and give yourself your much-deserved personal closure.

How? Well, you decide that you will set the answers that you feel are most likely to those questions that haunt you, and then make your own peace with them. It doesn’t matter if they aren’t the right answers, don’t get hung up on that; they are answers and that’s enough. 

You have the full power and authority to give it to yourself

If one day the other person decides to give you the real explanations then so be it, but for now, give yourself closure. Pretend to have that conversation, whether in your head or on paper, ask and answer, say all that needs to be said, and close that door forever. You deserve it.

Personal Closure is a weird concept but it works!

Who said that the other person is responsible for your closure? You have the full power and authority to give it to yourself and to choose whatever answers suit you best. You can even choose the explanations that would make you feel better and not the most realistic ones; it’s totally up to you. For example, the realistic answer is that he fell in love with someone else, or that he got bored, but you could choose the answers that make you feel better like he was tricked by that woman, or he just doesn’t know my value. They’re not totally unrealistic too. 

In any case, if it makes you feel better, choose the explanations that serve you best and help you seal the door shut. Don’t waste time being lost in the maze of confusion; get your personal closure and move on.

“Don’t waste time being lost in the maze of confusion”