On Gratitude

With World Gratitude Day upon us, we need to take a moment to count all the blessings in our lives…

Gurus and experts always say that the key to happiness is gratitude and that is so true. When you experience gratitude, your whole life brightens up and elevates to a much higher level. Recounting your blessings, however small they are, fills your heart with joy, kicking out any negative emotions.

And, you can’t say there aren’t any blessings in your life; just the fact that you’re reading this means you’re blessed to be literate, blessed to have gone to school or have had some form of schooling, blessed to have a stable childhood where you were able to be nurtured and educated, blessed to have your sight or hearing if it is being dictated, blessed to have a sane mind that is still searching for answers and knowledge, blessed that you have a device that you’re reading on, blessed that you’re connected to the world through the internet that you’re using right now, and blessed to have the mobility of your fingers to scroll through this text among many, many other blessings.

When you experience gratitude, your whole life brightens up and elevates to a much higher level.

For some people counting their blessings doesn’t come as easy because they have become accustomed to the nay-saying voice that looks for faults in everything they have or do, but practicing daily gratitude by recounting three blessings before you sleep and first thing in the morning will set you off for a bountiful existence. Try it for a week and see what difference it makes in your life. Commit to it as you commit to eating healthy or exercising – gratitude is both the fuel and exercise for your happiness muscle. As you send out grateful energy into the universe, it will respond with more blessings to be grateful for, creating a life of excess – excess happiness and excess blessings.

Gratitude is both the fuel and exercise for your happiness muscle.

So, go on, start your infinite circle of blessings.

“Commit to gratitude as you commit to eating healthy or exercising”


  1. Jinan

    I’m grateful to have you in Jeddah

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