On Change & Adapting

Adapting to change is one of the most useful and essential qualities a person can have. And, no one knows this more than a parent…

Being a parent forces you to adapt constantly: your life starts changing the instant you get pregnant and explodes with change the moment you give birth. You have to adapt to their sleeping and eating needs, to their growing personalities, to their changing wants, and you have to teach them to adapt to the fast-moving world around them. Adapting isn’t just an important skill, it’s essential for survival. Being rigid and stiff will break you in the long run, even though in the short term you might think it makes you stronger. The world is inherited by those who adapt. Look at evolution, Darwinian or otherwise, like societal evolution, those who don’t adapt get left behind and cease to exist in all sorts of manner.

So, what blocks a person from adapting? Resistance to change is one of human’s biggest enemies, and the sooner you realise it, the sooner you can flow with the stream of life. Like you can’t resist, stop, or change the passing of time, you can’t do any of those to change. It might seem possible and in your hands, within your control, but it really isn’t. The only true constant is change.

Look at adapting and change as friends that allow you to experience new and beautiful things.

The best way you can combat this resistance, or anything for that matter, is to alter your perspective. Don’t look at change as an enemy or as a loss of control or whatever else you view negatively about it. Look at change as your friend that allows you to experience new and beautiful things. Without change you wouldn’t have grown to be the person you are today. Look at every joyful addition to your life, be it a child, a business, a job, a house, a loved one, or whatever it is, it wasn’t there with you and for you since the day you were born. No, you had to grow and change and adapt to it and into having it.

We are usually our own worst enemy, so realise that by resisting change you are setting yourself up for destruction. It’s not the change that will destroy you, it’s your resistance to it that will. Just as a stiff twig can’t withstand the immense force of nature’s winds, nor can you withstand the force of change over time.

“It’s not the change that will destroy you, it’s your resistance to adapting that will