On Our Inner Positive Voice

Everyone has a positive inner voice that sometimes seems to get lost amid the chaos of life. However, it’s there and ready to be heard…

We all have a voice within that cheers us on and says we can do it, and another that regurgitates a million reasons why we can’t or shouldn’t do something. The positive voice is your inner confidence that was so loud as a child and, unfortunately, the negative “grown-up” voice is the one that got louder as you trekked the path of life.

It’s natural to have both, but the important thing is to be aware of them and to always try to silence the negative voice by letting your positive voice speak and get louder. For some people, and at some times for everyone, the positive, confident voice is barely a whisper that it becomes too hard to hear. But, don’t worry, it is there!

My favourite method of getting my positive voice back and getting it to speak louder is by responding to my negative voice as if it’s another person standing in the room with me, and I answer its cut-downs with logical and rational replies that dissipate its irrational reasoning. And be very aware that it is disguising its irrationality in reason, making you think that what it is saying is the logical, grown-up thing to say, but it totally isn’t! It is fear disguised as reasonable excuses.

Always try to silence the negative voice by letting your positive voice speak and get louder.

Learn to hear that negative voice when it speaks and to address it every time it does. Don’t let it go unchecked that it snowballs into a much bigger voice that becomes harder to address – not impossible, just harder. Use all the tools at your disposal like daily visualising what your inner confidence knows you can and should have, journaling and analysing thoughts that come to your head, and getting fit and healthy to strengthen the body that houses that wonderful mind, making it easier for it to see clearly and confidently.

Make it a point to charge ahead despite your fears and take the little wins that will become huge wins over time. With time, your innate confident voice will outshine your negative voice until it becomes a roaring thunder shutting out the inaudible negative whisper.

“Your innate positive voice will outshine your negative voice until it becomes a roaring thunder”